Welcome to Enchanting Emilia Clarke, a fansite decided to the actress best known as Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones since 2011. She acted on stage in Breakfast at Tiffany's on Broadway, plus many movies, including Terminator Genisys, Me Before You, Solo: A Star Wars Story, and Last Christmas has some great upcoming projects. She'll be joining the MCU next year for Secret Invasions. Emilia has represented Dolce & Gabbana's and Clinque. That's not to mention being beloved by fans and celebrities internationally for her funny, quirky, humble, kind, and genuine personality. She's truly Enchanting.
July 03 2012

This falls under total rumor and speculation, but according to Marie Claire Emilia is among the top three actress picks for the lead role of Anastasia Steele in the future Fifty Shades of Grey movies. Also in the running are Kristen Stewart, who’s character Bella Swan in Twilight was the original inspiration for Ana, and up-and-comer Emma Roberts. According to the article Ryan Gosling is the top pick to play the lead male role Christian Grey.

For those who aren’t familiar with the insanely popular erotic novels by E.L. James Fifty Shades of Grey is a book series about the romance between a dashing billionaire bachelor, Christian Grey, who just happens to be into S&M and a young inexperienced college student, Anastasia Steele. Ana starts out timid and unsure of herself and slowly progresses through the books to be confident and fierce. Sound familiar?

I’m not sold that this is any more than a rumor stemming from the constant buzz Emilia is getting from fans who want her in the role, as evidenced by this recent poll on Digital Spy where Emilia won out as fan favorite over Lucy Hale, Kristen Stewart, and others.

Still, I think Emilia would make a perfect Ana, and I agree with the fans at Digital Spy, Ian Somerholder would make one fine Christian Grey. What do you think? Who are your top picks?

Source: Marie Claire | Digital Spy

Filed under: News, Rumors - no comments yet
July 02 2012
July 01 2012

I’m in. How about you?

July 01 2012

I just added 2 new fanarts, 27 new icons, and 1 new wallpaper to the media archive. Thank you so much to guirdianrosehathaway, emalterre, CATTYROY, visionsbeyond, and myneonhearts over at freedomofheart for your wonderful contributions. They mean so much! Preview below, more in the archive.

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